Interfaces Between Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics
May 7 - May 11, 2018
Geometric Analysis has emerged as a comprehensive research field over the last 10-15 years. It is determined almost exclusively by (1) the virtuosity of combining geometric and analytic methods and (2) its strong motivation by and intimate relation with concepts of classical and modern mathematical physics. While the second aspect was the main topic of a predecessor conference in 2016, this time we shall gather experts in the field to elaborate on the technical side, in particular on • geometric analysis of singular or non-compact spaces; • Kähler geometry and pluripotential theory; and • non-perturbative, in particular topological and conformal foundations of quantum field theory.
Schedule (updated 30 april)
Seminars Scroll to the next upcoming seminar
Name | University | Country | Arrival and Departure |
Dean Baskin | University: Texas A&M University | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Holger Bech Nielsen | University: Niels Bohr Institut | Country: Denmark | Arrival and Departure: - |
Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbek | University: Roskilde University | Country: Denmark | Arrival and Departure: - |
Jochen Brüning | University: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Igor Burban | University: University of Cologne | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Alberto Cattaneo | University: University of Zurich | Country: Switzerland | Arrival and Departure: - |
William Elbæk Petersen | University: Aarhus University | Country: Denmark | Arrival and Departure: - |
Ksenia Fedosova | University: University of Freiburg | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Batu Güneysu | University: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Semyon Klevtsov | University: University of Cologne | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Klaus Kröncke | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Matthias Lesch | University: University of Bonn | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Xiaonan Ma | University: Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7 | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
George Marinescu | University: University of Cologne | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Niels Martin Møller | University: University of Copenhagen | Country: Denmark | Arrival and Departure: - |
Werner Müller | University: University of Bonn | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Paolo Piazza | University: Sapienza University of Rome | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: - |
Julie Rowlett | University: Chalmers/University of Gothenburg | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Nikhil Savale | University: University of Cologne | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Elmar Schrohe | University: Leibniz Universität | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Alexander Strohmaier | University: University of Leeds | Country: United Kingdom | Arrival and Departure: - |
Boris Vertman | University: Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Nils Waterstraat | University: University of Kent | Country: United Kingdom | Arrival and Departure: - |
Steven Morris Zelditch | University: Northwestern University | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Peng Zhou | University: Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS) | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Chaofeng Zhu | University: Nankai University | Country: China | Arrival and Departure: - |
Thomas Østergaard Sørensen | University: LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |