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Canceled: Complex and Symplectic Curve Configurations

July 13 - July 17, 2020

Configurations of complex curves in the projective plane have been studied for centuries, yet many questions about them remain open. Symplectic topology is a rapidly developing field where the analogous questions can demonstrate greater flexibility or maintain the rigidity of complex algebraic curves. This workshop will bring together researchers from algebraic geometry and symplectic topology to exchange ideas, questions, and tools to better understand configurations of curves, in both categories. The singular complex and symplectic isotopy problems are our main topic of investigation: realising, distinguishing, classifying, and studying properties of embeddings of singular curves in the complex projective plane. The range of potential applications include symplectic BMY and log-BMY inequality, new constructions of symplectic 4-manifolds via branched covers, the symplectic isotopy problem, the bounded negativity conjecture (also from a viewpoint of symplectic geometry), and the freeness of conic-line arrangements.

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