Topology and Real Algebraic Geometry in Low Dimension
June 26 - June 30, 2023
The workshop is focused on recent progress in geometric topology and real algebraic geometry. It is organized on the occasion of 75th anniversary of Oleg Viro.
Seminars Scroll to the next upcoming seminar
Viatcheslav Kharlamov: Unexpected loss of Smith-Thom maximality in the case of Hilbert squares June 26 09:30 - 10:30 -
Benoît Bertrand: Cubiques en tout genre June 26 11:00 - 12:00 Benoît Bertrand: Cubiques en tout genre
Lionel Lang: Braid monodromy of polynomial systems June 26 13:30 - 14:30 Lionel Lang: Braid monodromy of polynomial systems
Kris Shaw: Cohomological tropicalisation June 26 15:00 - 16:00 Kris Shaw: Cohomological tropicalisation
Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell: Recent results in quantitative and C^0 contact topology June 27 09:30 - 10:30 Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell: Recent results in quantitative and C^0 contact topology
Matthias Kreck: Mapping class group of complex 3-dimensional hypersurfaces and applications to moduli spaces of hypers.. June 27 11:00 - 12:00 Matthias Kreck: Mapping class group of complex 3-dimensional hypersurfaces and applications to moduli spaces of hypers..
Penka Georgieva: Klein TQFT and real Gromov-Witten invariants June 27 13:30 - 14:30 Penka Georgieva: Klein TQFT and real Gromov-Witten invariants
Erwan Brugallé: Bitangents to real plane algebraic curves June 27 15:00 - 16:00 Erwan Brugallé: Bitangents to real plane algebraic curves
Matilde Manzaroli: Topology of totally real degenerations June 28 09:30 - 10:30 Matilde Manzaroli: Topology of totally real degenerations
Piene & Shapiro: Return of the plane evolute June 28 11:00 - 12:00 Piene & Shapiro: Return of the plane evolute
Vladimir Fock: Clusters, integrable systems and tame symbol June 29 09:30 - 10:30 Vladimir Fock: Clusters, integrable systems and tame symbol
Sergey Finashin: Strong invariants of real del Pezzo surfaces via signed count of rational curves June 29 11:00 - 12:00 Sergey Finashin: Strong invariants of real del Pezzo surfaces via signed count of rational curves
Alexander Shumakovitch: Even torsion in the Khovanov homology June 29 13:30 - 14:30 Alexander Shumakovitch: Even torsion in the Khovanov homology
Arthur Renaudineau: Combinatorial patchworking in reflexive polytopes and mirror symmetry June 29 15:00 - 16:00 Arthur Renaudineau: Combinatorial patchworking in reflexive polytopes and mirror symmetry
Thomas Fiedler: Distinguishing knots without invariants June 30 09:30 - 10:30 Thomas Fiedler: Distinguishing knots without invariants
Stepan Orevkov: An attempt to extend Levine’s theory from knots to links June 30 11:00 - 12:00 Stepan Orevkov: An attempt to extend Levine’s theory from knots to links
Name | University | Country | Arrival and Departure |
Benoît Bertrand | University: IUT Tarbes / Institut de mathématiques de Toulouse | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Frédéric Bihan (Online) | University: Savoie Mont Blanc University | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Johan Björklund | University: Högskolan i Gävle | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Thomas Blomme | University: Université de Genève | Country: Switzerland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Erwan Brugallé | University: Nantes Université | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Vladimir Chernov (Online) | University: Dartmouth College | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Alex Degtyarev (Online) | University: Bilkent University | Country: Türkiye | Arrival and Departure: - |
Sandra Di Rocco | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell | University: Uppsala University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Tobias Ekholm | University: Uppsala University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Thomas Fiedler | University: Université Paul Sabatier | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Sergey Finashin | University: Middle East Technical University | Country: Türkiye | Arrival and Departure: - |
Vladimir Fock | University: Université de Strasbourg | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Penka Georgieva | University: Sorbonne University | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Ilia Itenberg | University: Sorbonne University | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Andrés Jaramillo Puentes | University: Universitaet Duisburg-Essen | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Viatcheslav Kharlamov | University: Strasbourg university | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Matthias Kreck | University: Bonn University | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Lionel Lang | University: University of Gävle | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Antonio Lerario | University: SISSA / KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Italy / Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Matilde Manzaroli | University: University of Tübingen | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Grigory Mikhalkin | University: Université de Genève | Country: Switzerland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Stepan Orevkov | University: University Toulouse-3 | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Ragni Piene | University: University of Oslo | Country: Norway | Arrival and Departure: - |
Michael Polyak (Online) | University: Technion | Country: Israel | Arrival and Departure: - |
Johannes Rau | University: Universidad de los Andes | Country: Colombia | Arrival and Departure: - |
Arthur Renaudineau | University: Université de Lille | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Ryszard Rubinsztein | University: Uppsala University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Boris Shapiro | University: Stockholm University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Kris Shaw | University: University of Oslo | Country: Norway | Arrival and Departure: - |
Alexander Shumakovitch | University: Johns Hopkins University | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Eugenii Shustin (Online) | University: Tel Aviv University | Country: Israel | Arrival and Departure: - |
Michael Sullivan | University: University of Massachusetts at Amherst | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Victor Vassiliev (Online) | University: Steklov Institute | Country: Russia | Arrival and Departure: - |
Julia Viro | University: Stony Brook University | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Oleg Viro | University: Stony Brook University | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Peter Zograf (Online) | University: St.Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute | Country: Russia | Arrival and Departure: - |