Workshop on Nonlinear Parabolic PDEs
May 20 - May 24, 2024
Nonlinear evolutionary partial differential equations are of fundamental importance in mathematical analysis. They are used to model time-dependent phenomena such as flows in porous media, turbulent filtration processes, groundwater flows through gravel or fractured crystalline rocks, shallow water waves, turbulent polytropic filtration of gas or the moving boundary between two phases of a material undergoing a phase change (for instance the melting of ice to water, Stefan problem. Such phenomena or processes are typically modeled by parabolic PDE’s with singular and/ or degenerate.
In recent years, there have been quite a number of breakthroughs in the theory of singular and degenerate parabolic PDEs. For example, it was shown that weak solutions of the porous medium equation are higher integrable in the sense of Elcrat and Meyers. This result was extended to porous medium type systems and Trudinger’s equation. Moreover, several parameter ranges of doubly nonlinear parabolic equations are nowadays covered. Also, the Hölder continuity of weak solutions is widely understood for both non-negative and signed solutions. There has also been significant progress in regularity theory for the Stefan problem. On the other hand, many important problems remain unresolved. Even the uniqueness of weak solutions to doubly non-linear equations is not yet fully understood.
The proposed workshop will focus on the following themes related to (doubly) nonlinear parabolic PDEs
- comparison principles and uniqueness of weak solutions,
- boundary regularity,
- regularity of the spatial gradient and
- behavior of solutions in the subcritical range.
As will become apparent, the novelties are not mutually exclusive and several themes can overlap in a specific research problem.
Seminars Scroll to the next upcoming seminar
Ulisse Stefanelli: Existence for doubly nonlinear SPDEs May 20 10:30 - 11:00 -
CANCELLED: Antonella Nastasi: Gradient higher integrability for nonstandard growth conditions integrals May 20 11:30 - 12:00 CANCELLED: Antonella Nastasi: Gradient higher integrability for nonstandard growth conditions integrals
Julian Fischer: TBA May 20 13:30 - 14:00 Julian Fischer: TBA
Naian Liao: Continuity of the temperature in Stefan-type problems May 20 14:00 - 14:30 Naian Liao: Continuity of the temperature in Stefan-type problems
Wontae Kim: Regularity properties of the parabolic double-phase equation May 20 15:00 - 15:30 Wontae Kim: Regularity properties of the parabolic double-phase equation
Sunghan Kim: Sharp Regularity of Solutions to (p)-Parabolic Obstacle Problems under Interpolative Intrinsic Geometry. May 21 10:30 - 11:00 Sunghan Kim: Sharp Regularity of Solutions to (p)-Parabolic Obstacle Problems under Interpolative Intrinsic Geometry.
Stefanie Sonner: Degenerate reaction diffusion systems arising in models for biofilm growth May 21 11:30 - 12:00 Stefanie Sonner: Degenerate reaction diffusion systems arising in models for biofilm growth
Kim Myyryläinen: Parabolic Muckenhoupt weights May 21 15:00 - 15:30 Kim Myyryläinen: Parabolic Muckenhoupt weights
Raffaella Giova/Antonia Passarelli di Napoli: Widely degenerate parabolic problems May 21 16:00 - 16:30 Raffaella Giova/Antonia Passarelli di Napoli: Widely degenerate parabolic problems
Michael Strunk: Gradient regularity for solutions to doubly nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations May 21 16:30 - 17:00 Michael Strunk: Gradient regularity for solutions to doubly nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations
Kristian Moring/Leah Schätzler: Higher integrability for singular doubly nonlinear systems May 22 10:30 - 11:00 Kristian Moring/Leah Schätzler: Higher integrability for singular doubly nonlinear systems
Frank Duzaar: Local boundeness and higher integrability for subcritical porous medium type systems May 22 11:30 - 12:00 Frank Duzaar: Local boundeness and higher integrability for subcritical porous medium type systems
Shuntaro Tsubouchi: Continuity of spatial derivatives for parabolic (1,p) -Laplace equations May 22 13:30 - 14:00 Shuntaro Tsubouchi: Continuity of spatial derivatives for parabolic (1,p) -Laplace equations
Fabian Bäuerlein: Weak Harnack inequality for doubly non-linear equations of slow diffusion type May 22 14:00 - 14:30 Fabian Bäuerlein: Weak Harnack inequality for doubly non-linear equations of slow diffusion type
Miguel Urbano: Sharp regularity for a singular free boundary problem May 23 10:30 - 11:00 Miguel Urbano: Sharp regularity for a singular free boundary problem
Matias Vestberg: Regularity and Existence results for Doubly Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion equations May 23 11:30 - 12:00 Matias Vestberg: Regularity and Existence results for Doubly Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion equations
Filomena De Filippis: Schauder estimates at nearly linear growth May 23 15:00 - 15:30 Filomena De Filippis: Schauder estimates at nearly linear growth
Jihoon Ok/Bianca Stroffolini: Regularity for parabolic systems with general growth May 23 16:00 - 16:30 Jihoon Ok/Bianca Stroffolini: Regularity for parabolic systems with general growth
Simone Ciani: Fine boundary continuity for degenerate double-phase diffusion May 23 16:30 - 17:00 Simone Ciani: Fine boundary continuity for degenerate double-phase diffusion
Paolo Marcellini: The Leray-Lions existence theorem under general growth conditions May 24 10:00 - 10:30 Paolo Marcellini: The Leray-Lions existence theorem under general growth conditions
Sun-Sig Byun: Regularity estimates for solutions of degenerate/singular elliptic and parabolic equations with log-BMO… May 24 11:00 - 11:30 Sun-Sig Byun: Regularity estimates for solutions of degenerate/singular elliptic and parabolic equations with log-BMO…
Name | University | Country | Arrival and Departure |
Anna Zatorska-Goldstein | University: University of Warsaw | Country: Poland | Arrival and Departure: none - Grindstugan F2 |
Antonella Nastasi | University: University of Palermo | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: no allergies nor dietary requirements - B8 |
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli | University: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | Country: Italia | Arrival and Departure: none - B7 |
Bianca Stroffolini | University: University Federico II Napoli | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: Salmon - |
Christoph Scheven | University: University Duisburg-Essen | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: None - Kuskvillan D1 |
Emiliano Peña Ayala | University: Uppsala University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: None - |
Erik Lindgren | University: KTH - Royal Institute of Technology | Country: | Arrival and Departure: - |
Fabian Bäuerlein | University: Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | Country: Österreich | Arrival and Departure: None - A4 |
Filomena De Filippis | University: University of Parma | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: NO Food allergies or dietary requirements - A6 |
Frank Duzaar | University: Paris Lodron University Salzburg | Country: Austria | Arrival and Departure: No - A1 |
Hadid Rehman | University: Uppsala University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: None - |
Jihoon Ok | University: Sogang University | Country: Korea | Arrival and Departure: none. - B5 |
José Miguel Urbano | University: KAUST & Universidade de Coimbra | Country: Saudi Arabia | Arrival and Departure: None - C1 |
Juha Kinnunen | University: Aalto University | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: NA - A3 |
Julian Fischer | University: Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Country: Austria | Arrival and Departure: Milk allergy - A7 |
Kaj Nyström | University: Uppsala University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: None - |
Kim Myyryläinen | University: Aalto University | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: - - B4 |
Kristian Moring | University: University of Duisburg-Essen | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - - B3 |
Lauri Särkio | University: Aalto University | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: none - C2 |
Leah Schätzler | University: University of Salzburg | Country: Austria | Arrival and Departure: I prefer vegetarian food or fish - C3 |
Matias Vestberg | University: Uppsala Universitet | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - - Grindstugan F1 |
Michael Strunk | University: Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg | Country: Austria | Arrival and Departure: None - Gula Villan E1 |
Mikko Parviainen | University: University of Jyväskylä | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: - - B6 |
Naian Liao | University: University of Salzburg | Country: Austria | Arrival and Departure: NA - B1 |
Paolo Marcellini | University: University of Firenze | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: no - B2 |
Peter Hästö | University: University of Helsinki | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: none - A9 |
Raffaella Giova | University: University of Naples Parthenope | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: none - A8 |
Sebastian Schwarzacher | University: Uppsala University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: no - |
Shuntaro Tsubouchi | University: the University of Tokyo | Country: Japan | Arrival and Departure: No requirement - Grindstugan F5 |
Simone Ciani | University: University of Bologna | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: - - Grindstugan F3 |
Stefanie Sonner | University: Radboud University | Country: | Arrival and Departure: - Kuskvillan D2 |
Sunghan Kim | University: Uppsala University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: None - |
Sun-Sig Byun | University: Seoul National University | Country: Korea | Arrival and Departure: No - A5 |
Ugo Gianazza | University: University of Pavia | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: None - A2 |
Ulisse Stefanelli | University: University of Vienna | Country: Austria | Arrival and Departure: no meat, fish ok - Kuskvillan D3 |
Verena Bögelein | University: Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Country: Austria | Arrival and Departure: no - A1 |
Vincenzo Vespri | University: university of florence | Country: Italy | Arrival and Departure: fish - Gula Villan E2 |
Wontae Kim | University: Aalto university | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: None - A10 |
Yumi Cho | University: Seoul National University | Country: Republic of Korea | Arrival and Departure: Nothing - |