Scam Alert

Scam Alert

Please verify and be careful about any phishing and scam attempts from external companies.
All conferences and research programs at IML are free of charge.
We will not ask you for any payments regarding your accommodation or travel arrangements

The IML App

Invitations and the IML app

IML uses an app for invitations, interaction, communication and organization of conferences and programs. The app contains arrival information, scheduled activities, participant list, etc and is available for mobile devices and laptops.

Instructions with screen shots of the three steps (invitation, registration and access) to get started follow below:






If you have received an invitation, we ask that you download the IML app by searching for Institut Mittag-Leffler in App Store or Google Play. For Events before April 2025, you will find the event code in the invitation letter, and information emails. Events from April 2025 an onwards does not need an event code. For app-access, follow the steps below:

1. Enter your email address in the text field (the email address where you received your invitation from IML). A confirmation code will be sent to this address.

2. Enter the confirmation code sent to your email address. If you have not received it within a few minutes, check your spam filter.

3. Select the event in the list, then press Join.

Welcome to the IML app!