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Alessandra Occelli: An interpolating distribution for a PNG model in half space with two external sources.

Date: 2024-11-07

Time: 11:00 - 12:00

Alessandra Occelli, Uiversity of Angers

In this talk I will discuss a polynuclear growth model in half space with two external sources. I will present the strategy developed to study the model in the full space setting (Baik–Rains ’00), which relies on algebraic and orthogonal polynomials identities, and Riemann–Hilbert techniques, and which led to a limit distribution formulated in terms of the solution to Painlevé II equation; then I will underline the differences with respect to the half space case. This result also proves a conjecture by Barraquand–Krajenbrink–Le Doussal ’22 on the distribution of the stationary KPZ equation on the half line. Based on joint work with M. Cafasso, D. Ofner, H. Walsh.