Pedro H. Carvalho , University of Hradec Králové
Following Roytenberg-Severa, we know that Courant algebroids are in one-to-one correspondence with symplectic NQ-manifolds of degree two. On the other hand, it was observed by Bursztyn-Cattaneo-Mehta-Zambon that coisotropic reduction of a symplectic NQ-manifold of degree two relates to reduction of the corresponding Courant algebroid. In particular, from this perspective, the result by Bursztyn-Cavalcanti-Gualtieri on reduction of exact Courant algebroids can be derived from a degree two version of the Marsden-Weinstein reduction theorem. Based on these ideas, we explain how to obtain a homological model for Bursztyn-Cavalcanti-Gualtieri Courant reduction from a BFV model for graded hamiltonian reduction. Our result can be seen as the Courant counterpart to the classical homological formulation of hamiltonian reduction of symplectic and Poisson manifolds due to Kostant-Sternberg and Stasheff.