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Simone Ciani: Fine boundary continuity for degenerate double-phase diffusion

Date: 2024-05-23

Time: 16:30 - 17:00


Simone Ciani, University of Bologna


We present a study on the boundary behavior of solutions to parabolic double-phase equations, through the celebrated Wiener’s sufficiency criterion.

The analysis is conducted for cylindrical domains and the regularity up to the lateral boundary is shown in terms of either its p or q capacity, depending on whether the phase vanishes at the boundary or not. Eventually we obtain a fine boundary estimate that, when considering uniform geometric conditions as density or fatness, leads us to the boundary Hölder continuity of solutions. In particular, the double-phase elicits new questions on the definition of an adapted capacity.

This is a joint work in collaboration with Eurica Henriques and Ihor Skrypnik.