Workshop: Directed last passage percolation in the upper large deviation regime

Date: 2024-09-03

Time: 15:00 - 16:00

Baik, University of Michigan

We consider directed last passage percolation models when the last passage time at a certain point is larger than its typical value. Such an event may make the last passage times before that point larger than their typical value as well. In such a situation, the one-point fluctuations of the last passage time before the conditioned point may not converge to the Tracy-Widom distribution anymore. We study the fluctuations of the last passage times for some integrable models conditional on the event that the last passage time at a certain point is in the upper large deviation regime. The analysis is based on multi-time joint distribution formulas. This talk is based on a joint work with Dylan Cordaro and Tejaswi Tripathi.