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Noriaki Ikeda: Hamiltonian Lie algebroids: physical applications and cohomological descriptions

Date: 2025-03-19

Time: 10:30 - 11:30

Zoom link:

Noriaki  Ikeda, Ritsumeikan University

A Hamiltonian Lie algebroid generalizes the theory of a momentum map and
a Hamiltonian G-space over a symplectic manifold with a Lie group action
to the setting of Lie groupoids. This structure was introduced by
Blohmann and Weinstein. Similar structures have also been studied by
Kotov and Strobl as compatibility conditions for a Lie algebroid with
other structures.
Many well-known and significant physical models exhibit this structure.
After explaining the definition, I present a simple physical model that
possesses a Hamiltonian Lie algebroid structure. I then provide its
cohomological description based on the BFV formalism of this physical model.