Ivan Todorov: Quantum hypergraph homomorphisms and non-local games

Date: 2023-06-15

Time: 09:00 - 09:45


Ivan Todorov, University of Delaware


In this talk, I will define homomorphisms and isomorphisms between hypergraphs relative to a given no-signalling correlation type. I will then specialise this setup to the case where the hypergraphs arise from non-local games, arriving at a definition of quantum non-local game homomorphisms/isomorphisms. I will show that homomorphisms between games give rise to an inequality between the corresponding game values. I will also consider quantum homomorphisms between quantum hypergraphs, and show that the non-degenerate ones of local type reduce to TRO-equivalence between corresponding operator spaces.

The talk will be based on a joint work with Gage Hoefer.