Workshop: Equations with very low order of dispersion – an overview and description of new results, Mats Ehrnström

Date: 2023-09-14

Time: 14:00 - 14:50


Mats Ehrnström, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Since its revival a decade or so ago, the Whitham equation and its siblings in the class of scalar, nonlinear, very weakly dispersive water wave model equations, have been the focus of different investigations, several of them shedding light on the qualitative and quantitative similarities between these and the full water wave problem. We give in this talk a brief overview of some of these findings, while at the same time trying to present some of the newest proofs and results for the same type of equations.

The latest results in the talk are based on joint work with K. Nik (Vienna) and C. Walker (Hannover); A. Stefanov (Alabama) and M. N. Arnesen (formerly NTNU); and O. I. Mæhlen (Oslo) and K. Varholm (NTNU).