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Workshop, Nathan Berkovits: Equivalence Proof of Pure Spinor and Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz Superstring Amplitudes

Date: 2025-04-03

Time: 11:00 - 12:00

Zoom link:

Nathan Berkovits, São Paulo State University

A new manifestly spacetime-supersymmetric prescription for superstring amplitude computations is given using the pure spinor formalism which does not contain subtleties from poles in the pure spinor ghosts. This super-Poincare covariant prescription is related by a U(5)-covariant field redefinition to the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz amplitude prescription where the pure spinor parameterizes the choice of SO(10)/U(5). For F-term scattering amplitudes which preserve a subset of the spacetime supersymmetries, the new pure spinor amplitude prescription reduces to the previous pure spinor prescription.   (arXiv: 2411.19778)