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Workshop, Alexander Buryak: Pairs of compatible Poisson brackets and cohomological field theories

Date: 2025-01-22

Time: 09:30 - 10:30

Alexander Buryak, HSE, Moscow

Many integrable systems (of evolutionary PDEs with one spatial variable) are bihamiltonian, i.e., can be reconstructed from
a pair of compatible Poisson brackets. The most famous example of such integrable system is the KdV hierarchy. By a result
of Dubrovin and Novikov, a pair of compatible Poisson brackets of hydrodynamic type is equivalent to a differential-geometric
structure: a pair of compatible flat metrics. By a result of Dubrovin, an important class of such pairs is given by the
Dubrovin–Frobenius (DF) manifolds: there is an explicit formula for such a pair using a potential of a DF manifold.
A cohomological field theory (CohFT) can be considered as a genus expansion of a DF manifold. In a recent paper with P. Rossi,
starting from a semisimple CohFT, we proved an explicit formula for a pair of compatible Poisson brackets, which is a dispersive
deformation of Dubrovin’s pair of Poisson brackets. In this way, one obtains all dispersive deformations of Dubrovin’s pairs will all
central invariants equal to the same constant.