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Workshop, Henrique  Bursztyn: Symplectic groupoids via 2-shifted lagrangian structures

Date: 2025-01-21

Time: 15:00 - 16:00

Henrique  Bursztyn, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro

Shifted symplectic structures, originally motivated by the AKSZ construction and TQFTs, play a significant role in Poisoon geometry.
In this talk, I will discuss the role of 2-shifted lagrangian structures as a framework for constructing (quasi-) symplectic groupoids integrating Poisson (or Dirac) structures of interest. The focus will be on lagrangian morphisms into (2-shifted symplectic) Lie groups and their infinitesimal counterparts. Applications include the description of integrations of quasi-Poisson spaces, affine Dirac structures, and Poisson homogeneous spaces. The talk is based on joint work with D. Alvarez and M. Cueca.